Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Roman liturgy in the Native American Missions?

Thanks to Shawn Tribe over at the New Liturgical Movement who posted about my "Indian Mass" website:

If anyone from NLM finds their way over here and has any questions, I'd be happy to answer them in the comments here.

I may put up some links on the Indian Mass site so that people can see the sources I took this info from.


Anonymous said...

I just found your web blog. Thank you, it is very interesting. I teach gregorian chant
in music academies here in Switzerland and just got hold of the Kaiatonsera
TeieriwakwathI bought from an american antique books.

Best whishes

Luca Ricossa

Claudio Salvucci said...

Thank you Luca! I may ask for your help in figuring out some of the chants in it.